
Enrolment Process

The Whitehorse Pre School Association (WPSA) maintains a centralised application register for Pre Schools in the City of Whitehorse.  

Enrolments are accepted for children from two years of age. Enrolment applications close on 30 June each year with places being allocated the year prior to your child’s expected attendance at kindergarten. 

To apply, please complete your form online via:  www.wpsa.com.au/enrolments.


1. Complete Application

Complete an online WPSA application form with Wattle Hill Kindergarten as your first preference.

2. Submit Application

Submit the application form online no later than 30th June of the year prior to your child’s expected attendance.

3. Notification of Allocation

Notification of the allocation of places:

  • The Enrolment Officers will notify each family in August regarding the success of your application 

  • If your child is offered a place at Wattle Hill Kindergarten then the offer must be accepted with a non-refundable deposit payable to the kindergarten


Should you haver any questions regarding the enrolment process or if you would like to book a kindergarten tour please do not hesitate to contact wattle.hill.kin@kindergarten.vic.gov.au or alternatively call 9808 8848.